This privacy policy is intended to guarantee privacy, freedom, and communication secrets, which are the basic rights of users of Internet shopping malls operated by ooo, and to prevent human rights violations caused by illegal eavesdropping and information leakage.

1. Collecting and using personal information

The term "personal information" means information about a surviving individual that can be identified by the name, resident registration number, etc. (including information that can be easily combined with other information even if the information alone cannot identify a particular individual).

2. Purpose of collecting and using personal information

The Company utilizes the collected personal information for the following purposes:
(1) Implementation of the contract for service provision and settlement of charges according to service provision
Provision of services and content, delivery of goods or invoices, self-authentication, purchase and payment of charges, collection of charges

(2) Member Management
Identification according to the use of the membership service, personal identification, prevention of illegal use and unauthorized use of bad members, confirmation of intention to join, restrictions on the number of subscriptions, confirmation of consent from legal representatives when collecting personal information of children under the age of 14, confirmation of the legal representative's identity, preservation of records for dispute settlement, handling civil complaints such as handling complaints, and delivery of notices

(3) New Service Development & Marketing, Advertising
Development and specialization of new services (product), provision of services based on demographic characteristics, advertising, frequency of access, statistics on members' use of services, and delivery of advertising information such as events

3. Retention and usage period of collected personal information

In principle, after the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved, the relevant information shall be destroyed without delay. However, the following information shall be preserved for the period specified for the following reasons.

4. Sharing and providing personal information

The company shall use the personal information of its members within the scope determined for the purpose of collecting and using them, and shall not use them beyond that scope or disclose/provide them to the outside world. However, exceptions are made in the following cases:

Members have agreed in advance to provide or share to third parties Where there is a request from an investigative agency in accordance with the provisions of the Act or in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed by the Act for the purpose of investigation

5. Entrustment of handling collected personal information

The company does not entrust the handling of members' personal information to external companies without the consent of the members.
If such a need arises in the future, we will notify the members of the consignment target and the details of the consignment work and obtain prior consent if necessary.